Daniel Fast 2023 Food Lists
Ready to shop for the upcoming Daniel Fast?
While all animal products (meat, poultry, fish, shellfish/seafood, dairy), sweets (white sugar, maple syrup, coconut sugar, etc.), refined grains, leavening (yeast, baking powder, and/or baking soda), caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea, energy drinks) any type of alcohol (wine, beer, etc.) are to be avoided during the fast, there is still much to choose from.
Check your pantry first and see if you have any of the suggested foods already on hand before you head to the grocery to shop. The lists below are not comprehensive, if you have foods on hand that are free of the ingredients being avoided during the fast, they are allowed.
As I share recipes, there may be ingredients that you have to shop for if you want to prepare them. I will try my best to offer common options for specialized ingredients. I plan to start sharing recipes on Friday.
Whole Grains - Amaranth, barley, brown rice, buckwheat, bulgur, millet, oats, quinoa, rye, spelt, teff, whole grain pasta & wild rice. Unleavened bread, free from yeast, sugars, as well as preservatives, and also made from whole grains are allowed.
Beans & Legumes - black beans, black-eye peas, cannellini beans, chickpeas, great northern beans, kidney beans, lentils, peanuts, pinto beans, split peas.
Nuts & Seeds - almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, chia seeds, flax seeds, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pecans, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, pistachios, poppy seeds, walnuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds. Nut & Seed Butter - Almond butter, cashew butter, coconut butter, tahini (sesame seed butter) peanut butter, sunflower seed butter. Check commercial nut butters carefully for ingredients, they often contain sugar.
Vegetables - Choose any vegetable, fresh, frozen, dried, juiced, or canned. Check ingredients in the seasonings that may come with frozen vegetable mixes.
Fruit - Choose any fresh, frozen, dried, juiced and canned fruit. Check for added sugars, especially in dried fruits, but may also be found in frozen.
Oils - avocado, coconut, olive and sesame (for seasoning). You may saute foods, but no deep-fat frying.
Herbs & Spices - All herbs, spices and seasonings are allowed.
Beverages - Water should be your main beverage while on the fast, it can be distilled, filtered, sparkling, spring, and/or mineral. 100% juice can be used in recipes but should be limited as a beverage. Non-dairy kinds of milk (almond, coconut, soy, or macadamia) may be used as long as they are sugar-free.